Grief and Happiness
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Look Up

Oct 14, 2020

Have you noticed an apparent obsession with screen time that people have? In restaurants, look around and see how many cell phones you see? I don’t use my cell phone while walking on sidewalks because it seems like everyone else is, and I prefer not to get bumped into. And in movie theatres, even though they announce to please not use your cell phones, you can always see screens glowing during movies.  All this preoccupation with screens has led me to make a decision to be mindful of when I use my devices.

When I am with someone, I put my device away. I look at people who are speaking to me, and I look in the eyes of the person I am speaking too.  Saying this seems odd since BCP (before cell phones), this is how people communicated, but often now, this doesn’t happen. And it’s not only looking at people, it is hearing too. Little white pods seem to be growing out of everyone’s ears. The gym I go to plays good work out music, yet still most people there have their listening devices firmly in their ears listening to something else. What’s happening is we are becoming a society of isolated people.

In life, communicating with other people is vital. When I see children splashing in the waves or the mud and laughing, they are living their lives full out, enjoying the experience. When I see them in a restaurant with their families glued to their games, they are missing out on the experience of getting to know their loved ones, and most often, there is a blank expression on their faces. And people take so many pictures and selfies, that they don’t see anything beyond their screens. We seem to be trying to hypnotize ourselves.

To bring more joy, laughter, and love into your life, try looking up. Make eye contact, smile, talk to people. Keep your phone in your pocket for when you actually need it. Find ways to experience life instead of avoiding it. I feel so much better when I am actually connected with people and enjoying the beauty all around me. I encourage you to be mindful with what you choose to do, and experience the wonderful results that can make your life sweeter.

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