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It's The End of the World as We Know It

Mar 17, 2020
This is a guest post.  My friend Sophia Leva-Marie wrote this post and it so resonated with me that I asked her if I could share it with you.  I would love to hear your thoughts on this.
It’s the End of the World As We Know It 

That chorus was definitely running through my mind as my call rang through to my client from Seattle.  From empty streets to bare cupboards, children at home ALL of the time, travel bans, and sequestered Italians singing from their balconies, it is a new world.

Though I've never watched it, Survivor has been a popular tv show for years.  The question of, if you were marooned on a desert island, what would be important.  Frankly, I never got past my first answer - conditioner.  Now, here I am.  Living on the island of Maui, watching a global shutdown, days away from being told to stay in our homes, and conditioner - still a thing!

However, I've come up with another MUST HAVE - the understanding of Universal Law.  Because Universal Law is not susceptible to the Coronavirus.

This is not about burying your head in the sand, Maui or otherwise.  Coronavirus is a real 3-D thing happening.  Go to the market and/or Amazon Prime and stock up - check.  Cancel upcoming travel - check.  Get clear on finances - check.  Ask our bodies what other supplements or nutrition they need - check.

It's not the time to panic though.  What it is time for is to KNOW that what you see is NOT all there is!

There are Universal Laws that are operating - no matter what is happening!

Here are a few...

Just because you perceive it, doesn't mean it's yours...  We are super aware beings... of people globally, of what's happening with the Earth, of the asteroids... all the things.  Just because you can feel it in your body, doesn't mean it's yours.  Return to sender, baby!

What you focus on, expands...  Has your eyesight dimmed and your head exploded from all of the Facebook, Instagram, and news posts?  You can ask to receive any energy or news you require, instead taking our global "time-out" to be with your loved ones, to write or paint or play?  We get to add to the frequency of fear or of love.  It's always a choice.  What channel are you tuning into?

There is unlimited abundance... Your clients are not your source.  Your job is not your source.  Your investments are not your source.  Your bank account is not your source.  They are just channels - and they can change in a moment.  However, true abundance is unlimited.  It's not dependent on or affected by a human, an event, a program, or a virus.  There are infinite channels of abundance from SOURCE - even, and especially now - desiring to come play with you.  Are you open to receiving them?

EVERYTHING is energy... We are the space between the molecules.  We are energy in motion.  Our physical bodies are comprised mostly of water.  And, your "diet" includes your food, your environment, your reading & watching material, the people you surround yourself with, etc.  Your diet feeds your cells.  Your cells vibrate.  Your vibration creates your reality.  What are you feeding your energy?

Ask AND receive... We get to ask AND receive.  One of the most powerful asks is "SHOW ME".  Show me the abundance I am.  Universe, I ask that you surprise and delight me all day long.  Show me how this can turn out to be even better than I imagined.  Show me how I can thrive.  Show me how I can serve even more.  Show me how I can BE and receive more love.  There is also no difference in the size of what we ask.  Abraham Hicks says that it makes no difference to the Universe if we ask for a button or a castle.  What are you asking for?

We are limitless... Yes, we are having a human experience.  Yet, we are SO much more than that.  It's been proven that we are, depending on which scientist you tap, more than 80-90% dark matter.  That is unknown, unlimited Universal potential.  We are made up of the same material as stars.  We also have Trillions of cells, each of them having power to fuel a city for months at a time.  We are SOOOOOOOO much more than we think we are.  What % of you are you actually BEing?

EVERYTHING happens for a reason...  Everything happens for us.  No matter how it looks, life always happens FOR us, not to us.  This virus is here to serve humanity.  I wonder how.

These are just a few of the Universal Laws that are present.  It is a balancing act, living in this time.  We get to be present with what we are experiencing, we get to choose how we react & what we focus on AND we get to know that this is not all that is happening.

Now is THE time.  Now is YOUR time.  It is time to EXPAND even more...  It is time to listen to our INTUITION even more... It is time to RECEIVE even more...  It is time to DEEPEN INTO JOY even more...  It is time to ACCESS YOUR DIVINITY even more... It is time for GRATITUDE even more...  It is time to BE LOVE even more...  It is time to OWN YOUR POWER even more...  Now that's a virus worth catching!


Sofia Leva-Marie

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