Grief and Happiness
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Finding My Smile

Nov 21, 2019

Right when I returned from an inspiring ceramics workshop in Bali, Jacques’s cousins came to visit me for a week to celebrate Natalie’s 89thbirthday. During these weeks, I took lots of pictures, and as I was looking through them this morning, I was kind of surprised at all my smiles in pictures of me which caused me to reflect.

When Ron and I first got together, I remember that he frequently reminded me to smile telling me how beautiful I was when I did. I would smile when he asked, but at that time I felt stressed by all I was doing, and smiles faded as I was absorbed into working and all the other things I felt I had to do. The longer I was with Ron, though, the easier the smiles came, and I discovered how good I felt when I smiled.

After Ron’s transition, I felt like I was in a kind of void. The emotions that did come up related to loss and usually brought tears. As I started writing about how I was feeling, I discovered that what I was writing could help others dealing with loss. I became immersed in writing and helping others use writing to deal with their loss. The more I did this, the happier I became. I host regular Writing Through Grief and Death Café meeting which have brought me many new friends, and without thinking about it, my smiles gradually returned.

Then I went to Bali and enjoyed the visit from my cousins Toni and Natalie when I returned. In Bali, I actually felt the smiles often, and when I spent time with my cousins, I not only smiled, but I found myself laughing. Those frequent laughs and giggles felt so good like my heart was breaking open ready to allow more love and more joy in as I shared more love and joy with others.

After a loss, becoming isolated is more common than not, and smiling is a social reaction. If you aren’t ready to go out and experience joy with others, trying watching funny movies or YouTube videos that make you smile and laugh. The more you practice, the easier it will be to smile. Then try inviting someone to do something with you just for fun. I just went to the Maui Aquarium for the first time when my cousins came. The aquarium has been there all along, but I finally decided to experience it, and it was so much fun especially since I had such good company.

However you feel right now, you can feel better. You can always have more joy and more laughter in your life. The key is to make that a priority. You will be so glad you did!


Take a class with me and find your smile!

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