Grief and Happiness
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Feb 07, 2020

I saw a leaf dangling in the breeze, barely connected to the branch where it had grown, and I thought of me and my relationship with grief. Dangling is that tenuous position where I delicately hang, fluttering in the breeze not sure of whether to hang on or let go.

Hanging on seems important. I’ve been grieving for so long for one person after another that there is some security in grief. I know how to be and what to expect there, but it certainly is not a place of peace or comfort. Always feeling that ragged edge of constant yearning and sadness is heavy in my heart. Grief does serve an important purpose, and grief never really goes away, but I see now that I don’t have to live fully immersed in it. Instead of drowning from its weight, I can place it gently into a special place in my heart, offer it my gratitude, and see how much more life has in store for me.

Instead of continuing to dangle precariously, I am choosing to use my inner strength and live to break free, or really rather to break open away from that strenuous and draining clutch on that branch to the freedom of letting go allowing the wind to gently blow me forward to blue skies and sunshine.

I now breath deep with an ever present smile knowing that my world is filled with the giving and receiving of love and constant beauty. I love that I have discovered my purpose along the way of holding your hand and supporting and guiding you along your way to also discover all the joy, love, and beauty that awaits you as you open your heart and eyes and arms to embrace it all. I am grateful to be on this journey with you.

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