Jan 06, 2021
Do you go to bed with your mind sorting out all the things you have to do, then wake up with more things on your list? That’s been me lately. I have been doing well for a long time with keeping things balanced and prioritizing but have found myself being somewhat overwhelmed and with getting ready to launch my book, Loving and Living Your Way Through Grief, on January 23. I am even starting to feel a bit stressed.
For most of my life I did so much that when I was asked if I was stressed, I would say “Stress is my life.” Now I know that doesn’t serve me, and I have been feeling great with my well-balanced life, but this incredible opportunity of getting my book out there is something I plan to do my very best at, so I am busy. Realizing that January 23rd is coming soon is a blessing. This high level of activity won’t last forever, so I am figuring out how to make the best use of my time while taking care of myself. These are a couple of things you can do too when you get busy or stressed.
First, I am my priority. Like what the flight attendants used to tell us back when we could fly, “Put the oxygen mask on yourself first.” When I get busy or stressed, I easily forget to eat wisely and drink water. Now, I set good nutrition and hydration as a number one priority. If I don’t have the fuel, I can get anything done.
Second, I start each say with my spiritual practice where I meditate, write in my journal, write what I am grateful for, write my affirmations, write my intention, and write something that brought me joy the day before. This may seem like a lot, but it doesn’t take long and brings focus into my life. This also allows me to prioritize what is most important.
When I do each of these things intentionally each day, everything just falls into place. My breathing slows, I smile, and the day is beautiful.
I am so glad I wrote this today! I feel much better now!
Send me an email if you would like to receive an invitation to my book launch on Zoom January 23 at 11 AM PST. [email protected]
Pre-order my book Loving and Living Your Way Through Grief by clicking here.
Sign up for my free Zoom class: Writing Together Through Grief by clicking here.
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