All I Need
Dec 17, 2020
Holidays can hit hard for those dealing with losing a loved one. This year seems to be even more challenging with all that’s happening with the pandemic. I woke up thinking this morning about what I can do to keep my spirits up.
There is a commercial on TV right now that uses the old song by Marvin Gaye and Tammi Terrill song “You’re All I Need to Get By,” and it’s got that song sticking in my head. Not the whole song, just the words “All I Need.” The words have me thinking, what do I need?
Need defined means something essential. As I look at my life right now, I already have all I need. Yet life can always be better. We can always take steps to brighten our way.
I have healthy coping mechanisms. I spend time outside each day. I eat good food to nourish me as much as I can from my garden. And I do occasionally indulge in a little treat just to enjoy.
I have regular exercise just by walking around where I live. My property is on the side of a dormant volcano, so just walking around the property, up and down the hills, gives me good exercise. And I also walk around the neighborhood and on the beach early in the morning when no one else is around.
I have loving friends. In Hawaii the word for family is Ohana, and I have an Ohana of choice filled with dear friends. We love and support each other, even from a distance, caring for keeping each other safe during the pandemic.
I have my book and all the new relationships that is bringing. I have met many new friends online, and I provide support however I can through my classes, groups, talks, and writing. I have grown close to people who live far away and know I am helping to make a difference in their lives.
I have my spiritual practice. Every day I write in my journal, meditate, write my gratitude, write my intentions, write my affirmations, and write what brought me joy the day before. Starting each day this way reminds me that I truly do have all I need.
I have the memories of two wonderful men with relationships filled with love and marvelous experiences. They each brought so much to my life that I am grateful for. I cherish those memories and keep them alive by writing about them.
Pre-order my book Loving and Living Your Way Through Grief by clicking here.
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