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intentions new years resolutions resolutions Dec 27, 2019

I know 2020 is a positive year. I am so excited to anticipate all I plan to accomplish! I used to always write New Year’s Resolutions, but for the last couple of years, I have written intentions instead, and they work!

Last year at this time I wrote fifteen intentions. I reviewed them today and discovered that I have completed ten and a half of them! In the past, I would review my resolutions at the end of the year and see not much progress. I would basically write down the same resolutions for the next year. Sound familiar?

Intentions are stated differently than resolutions. When you state an intention, always use positive terms. The universe will give you what you ask for. If you say “I don’t want to be lonely (or broke, or sad, or sick), the universe hears lonely, broke, sad, or sick. Instead say something like “I welcome new friends, new relationships, abundance, prosperity, joy, and health.” Then that’s what you will get. 

The key with intentions is to hold them in your heart and not get in your own way of making them happen. Last year, for instance, I knew I wanted more joy in my life. I was weary from focusing on what I didn’t have. So one of my intentions was to smile more. Now when I wrote that down, I started to tell myself “Ya, but, what do I have to smile about? My husband died, I miss him, I don’t know that many people to smile at.” As soon as I realized what I was thinking, I realized that I had to let those old thoughts go, so I did. Instead I focused on smiling at myself in the mirror which was pretty funny and made me laugh. I started focusing on what would make me smile, and that brought me new friends, new opportunities to serve others, and new experiences. Soon, by focusing on the positive, my smiles came naturally. And it felt so good to smile that I started seeking more things that would make me smile. Now that smiling comes naturally. I don’t even think about it anymore. My intention has become a wonderful, natural part of my life which has led to so much more than my initial intention of just to smile.

So what is an intention you would like to write for this year? What would make your heart soar? Write it down stating it positively. And always include in you intentions “This or something more.” This allows the good of your intention to grow exponentially, beyond your dreams.

I encourage you to meditate to clear your mind. Then write your intentions for what 2020 holds for you knowing that what you intend positively is already yours!

Have a wonderful, mindful, intentional New Year! 

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